SYMBIS Pre-Marital Assessments
SYMBIS is the most widely used pre-marriage system in existence, developed by Dr. Les & Leslie Parrots, #1 New York Times best-selling authors of the award winning Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. Having devoted the past 25 years to research, writing and speaking on pre-marriage education, Les and Leslie are renowned experts in the field.
Kat is a SYMBIS certified facilitator and offers pre-marital counseling utilizing the SYMBIS comprehensive assessment. The SYMBIS & SYMBIS+ assessment provides a robust 15-16 page report covering a variety of dimensions essential for establishing a firm foundation for marital success.
The SYMBIS assessment provides:
Valid and reliable results backed by decades of research
Researched based results
Is accessible, relevant, non-threatening & practical
A snapshot summary of a couple’s trajectory
A detailed report outlining each couple's results and how their results relate to one another
The SYMBIS Assessment does two things for couples: 1) flags and lowers risk factors, and 2) optimizes your combined strengths as a couple. It does this by assessing everything from psychological wellbeing to revealing how your combined personalities can be leveraged for optimal success. The SYMBIS Assessment is robust, personalized, and powerful.
How many sessions will we need?
The typical number of pre-marriage sessions for most who use SYMBIS is between 4-6 sessions, some prefer to use SYMBIS in an intensive and elongated single session and some prefer to use it over the course of 8-10 sessions. In addition to being used in a traditional office setting or classroom with a group, it is can be used in a retreat or seminar setting as well.
How much does SYMBIS counseling cost?
Initial Assessment & 1 Counseling Session: $200